Sunday, February 12, 2012

Has it really been a year already?

Wow. I haven't posted anything in 11 months! It's like I had a baby and couldn't quite keep up or something... Just dropping by to say that I haven't died or fallen off the radar. Just busy, busy, busy.

I have recently found great joy and solace in the readings of "The Lady". No, not '...and the Tramp". But if you know anything about southern cooking, you know that "The Lady" is of course, Ms. Paula Deen. I just love her, ya'll. I go to the library and check out her cookbooks and pour over them like a kid in a candy store. It makes me feel like part of something. A meaningful tradition, a family reunion, a warm laugh and memories made. I know all this sounds super cheesy. But it's true. Every morsel of anything created from "Paula Deen's Kitchen Classics" is like a little taste of home. It's what I'm trying to create for my family; nostalgia, ambiance... memories. So don't be surprised if I share some recipes with you. It. is. so. good.

So that's what I've been up to lately.

In other news... this one is growing like a weed!

And just as precious as ever.